Natural therapy, Békéscsaba 1 clinic (3 Naturopathic doctor, 1 Acupuncturist, 2 Homeopathic doctor, 2 Kinesiologist)
Description, questionsHomeopathy, Békéscsaba
The so-called homeopathy. 'Tame' cure. The alternative, holistic therapies, recently classified information within the scope of medicine. Due to the homeopathic treatment the essence of the individual, 'tailor-made' process. A possible way of healing, which helps the individual patient's body in a way to shape the direction of his own physical and mental balance.
Foot Massage, Reflexology, Békéscsaba
Few people know, but the disease can be treated with a lot of foot massage. Because the nerve supply base is very rich, with more than 70,000 nerve endings. Therefore suited to deal with the whole body through it. Every body has a way of healing and exact location refelxológiában.
Bio-Resonance Therapy, Health, Békéscsaba
The bio-resonance therapy and allergen-sensitive system makes it possible reaktívanyag statement, no side effects and can be combined with any other therapy, and this procedure is completely painless.
Bach Flower Therapy, Békéscsaba
Flowers of wild plants and trees compiled 38 kinds of Original Bach virágeszencia to help you live a positive emotional challenges of everyday life. Research on the links between mood disorders and immune system clearly show the relationship between emotions and physical health.
Kinesiology, Békéscsaba
Kinesiology an alternate personality, skills and capacity building method. The purpose is to present and past relieve stress, specific corrective techniques. The treatment effectively influence energy flow in the body, providing reconstituted from our problems, and triggers self-healing mechanism of our body.
Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Békéscsaba
This method is especially help people suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal complaints, lumbago, lower back, neck and headache. Of course, the unpleasant symptoms could be signs of serious disease awareness, but sometimes it happens that small joints of the spine and the results of neurological disorders.
Bioenergetic Treatments, Békéscsaba
The man works as part of the universe and its. Organs, cells interact with each other thoughts as well as her energy on the earth or in the cosmos. If this order, the system somewhere obstacle arises where the disease will eventually appear. Often it arrives before symptoms show. These barriers are designed to detect the bioenergetic and resolved.
Sound Massage, Békéscsaba
The dishes were placed in dress lying on the client's body gently struck filcütővel. The bowls have different sound frequencies. Our bodies are 80% water, which leads these rezgésekett excellent. The sound vibrations bowls deeply penetrates the skin, the muscles, get the organs throughout the cells and restores the individual vibration our harmony.
Ear Acupuncture, Békéscsaba
Ear on the surface of our body is a small projection (copy) is located so that all of our bodies is an appropriate point in her ear cup, which stimulation of healing effect exerted by the relevant body.
Cupping, Békéscsaba
The bloodletting, one of the strongest way the reflex zones stimulation. In practice we Kopolya vacuum is drawn, this causes congestion suction effect in that area. As a result, they loosened the muscles and improves blood flow to the area. Positive changes can result in belszervekben the zone, improve their blood circulation, metabolism.